JoyfullTM Purpose: Step Into Your Brilliance
You have high standards and many talents… but you’ve only expressed a small part of who you truly are and know you haven’t yet fulfilled your life purpose.
You have immense gifts and a deep desire to contribute… but haven’t discovered the truest way to channel your passions towards your life purpose … or you’ve held yourself back because you worry that it isn’t practical, doable, or profitable.
HOWEVER, you are passionate, successful, and spiritually conscious—and ready to discover and live your heart’s purpose—while contributing deeply to the world and being abundantly rewarded for your gifts.
The JoyFULL™ Purpose program is designed to take you on a sacred, supportive journey. Over six months, you will explore deeply, connect to your heart’s vision, and lay the foundation for bringing your sacred work into the world—in a practical, profit-oriented context.
Results you can expect from this program:
- Uncover your unique brilliance
- Connect to your personal “sacred vision” of what you want to contribute to the world
- Create your personal “sacred mission” (how you want to implement that vision)
- Identify your “sacred offerings” (the specific services or products you would like to offer to the world)
- Align your life and business with your values and vision