Notes on how to do your creative work and create the life you want.

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Creative Witchery®

Mastermind: Create your breakthrough masterpiece

Together with a hand-selected circle of ambitious, talented writers/ artists/ creatives, you will create a high-level, career-changing piece of work: a breakthrough masterpiece.

What would a next-level breakthrough mean for you?

…Maybe it’s a finished novel, an agent, and the start of a professional career.

…Or breaking out of the ranks of the “emerging” artists—and making something good enough to win an Oscar or get featured in the Venice Biennale.

…Reading or speaking at big events, going to release parties for your work, being interviewed on shows and podcasts as an artist or “public intellectual” with ideas to contribute.

…Achieving enough commercial success for a beautiful home, travel, and good things for your family.

The freedom to create what you want, when you want.

Whatever form it takes, you want the breakthrough that would make all the difference to your life. And the key to that breakthrough is a career-changing piece of work.

In the CREATE! Mastermind you will create that high-level, career-changing piece of work: a breakthrough masterpiece. And, you’ll do it without

…spending hours and hours in classes or writers groups with people who aren’t at your level

…spending tens of thousands of dollars on an MFA (unless that’s what you want!)

… becoming a “starving artist” and eating rice and beans for the next year

… giving up your life and family and friends to move to a mountaintop cabin (again, unless that’s what you want!)

You will do your very best creative work… work that moves and inspires people–and opens up incredible possibilities for your creative career. 

Next steps

To find out if the CREATE! Mastermind is right for you, answer the questions below.  (Please make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom and hit the “DONE” button to send your answers!)

If you’re a good fit, we’ll get back to you with details about the program. If not, we will recommend other programs or resources.

Blessings to you on your creative path.

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