Happy spring!!!
I’m starting some new, exciting things, and I want to share them with you.
The biggest: I’ve realized that my greatest genius is helping people do their creative work–the truest work that comes from their soul–and making BIG leaps with it. (Read, launching a freelance career and making six figures in a year, getting an agent, working with a celebrity’s production company, getting published regularly in The New Yorker, and more).
To me, the underlying thread is, I help people do their creative work and create lives they love. There are many ways we do this, working on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels to create big breakthroughs and lasting change.
I call it the “Creative Witchery” approach: helping people access and use the magic of creation. When you really get these principles and make them part of your life, it’s easy and natural to
- do your TRUEST and BEST work
- create the life you want, and
- make money with your creativity
If you’d like to hear more about this in the future, click here and enter your email.