Happy Thanksgiving!!
Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is a time to connect with what we’re grateful for—blessings, the people we love, and more.
The energy of “thanksgiving” is also a powerful energy we can connect to at any time to work creative magic.
There’s magic in gratitude: what we focus on expands, so when we focus on what we love (and what we desire to come to us), those things can expand.
Gratitude expands your attitude and lifts you to a higher perspective so you can see all the good in your life–including the opportunities that surround you in each moment.
Gratitude fills you with positive energy and raises your vibration. It makes you more magnetic. As a result, you attract more goodness in the form of inspiration, creative opportunities, relationships, powerful collaborations, and more.

You can also use gratitude in a very specific way–to create what you want.
Let’s try it with your creative work.
Gratitude Magic for Your Creative Work
Imagine an average work day in your most ideal life, six months from now.
- What writing or art are you working on?
- How regularly are you doing your creative work?
- How does it feel to do your creative work?
Allow yourself to really see and feel what it’s like to have this life. Sink into the feelings, and let them fill your body. Feel your joy and gratitude. Let every cell of your body soak it in. Take as long as you need.
Now imagine: If you were filled with this perspective and energy every day, what would be possible for you?
And ask yourself: How would you feel if THIS were your life every day?
Gratitude is the first step in making it so.
P.S. Want to turn this ideal, average day into your ACTUAL LIFE?
Artist in Action is a specially-designed program to help talented, ambitious writers and artists do their creative work regularly and easily.
In it, you’ll discover exactly what steps to take to go from not doing your truest creative work (or not doing enough of it)… to being an artist who is in action, doing your art and loving your life.
Interested? Email me.
P.P.S. I’m grateful for you, my community. For reading my pieces and sharing them, for watching my videos and commenting on them, for letting me know about the posts that moved you. For being open, for growing, and for your commitment to your own creative work. For stepping into my programs and for the honor of priestessing your creativity into this world.