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Solstice Journaling to Bring in More Hope and Light

Winter solstice blessings to you! 

The solstice is the longest night of the year. Many of our ancestors celebrated the solstice by waiting through the long night for the return of the sun. 

This is the dark time, symbolizing those times when life is hard or we walk through the unknown. 

Always, the light returns.

And so this is the perfect time to reflect on what has been dark for us this year–and reconnect with hope.

I’m sharing a journaling exercise with you. May this process bring you through the dark and back into the light of hope.

Solstice journaling and reconnection to hope

Materials: Journal, pen, candle (and matches)

  1. What was dark or hard for you this year? (Goals you didn’t meet? Failures or setbacks? Things you’re grieving or angry about?)
  2. How are you blaming yourself for these things? Are there any ways you’re stuck in a negative mindset?
  3. Take a moment to expand and connect to your Highest Self, the you who is connected to Universal Wisdom. From this perspective, see those self-blaming, negative parts of you with compassion. What words of guidance and compassion does your Highest Self have to offer?
  4. Forgiveness is a key part of freeing yourself from negativity. Releasing fear, anger, or grief–not because you should, but so that you may be free–creates an opening that allows hope to enter. If you can, take a moment to forgive yourself. Hold yourself with true compassion and love.
  5. Light a candle and allow yourself to feel the light of hope entering your life.
Image by ValentinValkov via Adobe

(Winter solstice in 2019 occurs at 11:19 pm ET on Saturday, December 21.)

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