Notes on how to do your creative work and create the life you want.

Yes, Please!

Inspiration from Inaugural Poet Amanda Gorman

At the inauguration, Amanda Gorman reminded me how an artist can gather together the threads of suffering and despair and a deep desire for change, weave together the feelings of the zeitgeist, and create an incantation of hope. 

Amanda Gorman at the 2021 Biden Inauguration

In days of old, priests and priestesses inspired and led with their visions. Today, artists hold that role. 

John Lennon’s “Imagine” envisioned a world where people lived as one.

The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago laid out a ceremonial banquet and created a symbolic history of women throughout civilization.

Black Panther created an alternate world where Black Africans have a power far beyond any majority-white nation.

This is a time when our world–facing the crises of the coronavirus, climate change, inequality, political extremism, and so much more–needs us to imagine and create a better future.

If you are an artist, a creator, it’s time to bring your voice FULLY into the world. To let go of the petty resistances and fears that keep your horizon safe and small. Time to let your spark light a torch that inspires the world. 

P.S. If you aren’t doing enough of your art and want to start doing it EASILY (and NOW, not in a year or two or ten!), ask me about the Artist in Action program.

Artist in Action helps talented, ambitious writers and artists do their work easily and consistently–even when they have full family lives, “commercial” work or day jobs, or a long history of creative block. 

Interested? Email me.

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