Notes on how to do your creative work and create the life you want.

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Halloween, death, and creativity

Happy Halloween!

Today is also Samhain, or the witches’ new year. In Celtic tradition, this was the time of year when people honored and connected to loved ones who had died.

Death is part of the cycle of life. It’s also part of the creative cycle. To let in new life, we have to let go of something that is dying.

So, what will you let go of in your creative career? In your life?

(Hint: If you have a “perpetual complaint,” that’s a good place to start. Does one thing always seem to be in your way? Maybe you’re always thinking, “I don’t have time.” Or “I can’t afford it.” “I’m too tired.” “I don’t know how.” “I’m not good enough.”)

If something is always in your way, you MUST let go of it to flourish and thrive.

“But,” you say, “That thing is TRUE! I really don’t have the money, time, energy, connections, talent…”

Actually, no. That thing is NOT true. You only believe it is.

I say this lovingly, and with full recognition of how REAL that obstacle may look.

Yes, the number in your bank account is real. However, *opportunities* to bring in money are all around you. If you are in the right state, you’ll be able to see and act on them.

The same goes for time, energy, health and more. The limitations you experience feel so real. But there is something you can let go of–some obligation that is draining you, some habit that sucks away your energy–that will free up your time and energy.

If you don’t have the time to do your creative work, you must let go of that story about time… and let go of something else you are spending time on.

(I guarantee there is something you don’t enjoy that you can let go of or change or rework, that will give you the time for your creative work AND free up your life force.)

If you don’t have the money to invest in your creative work, you must let go of the belief that you can’t afford it. Let go and choose the belief that you CAN have the money you want. And then look for the opportunities around you.

If there’s a toxic belief about yourself that robs you of confidence, a persistent habit that drains you of energy, a situation that keeps getting in the way of your creative work… let it go.

To have something better, you must CHOOSE TO LET GO OF something worse. You must let it die.

Honor and bless it for the role it has served in your life up until now. And then let it go.


Yes, death can be scary. It’s a journey into the dark unknown. It can be ugly and messy and heart-wrenching and raw. But sometimes it’s a peaceful letting go in the middle of the night.

And always, whatever the night is like, morning comes. Always, when you let go of what is no longer right, freedom awaits.

The witches believe a new year begins this night. Let your new year–and new life–begin as well.


P.S. Yes, there is support for the new creative work you want to bring into the world. I’ve put together a program designed to help you do your TRUE creative work and finally have the CREATIVE SUCCESS you’ve been longing for.

You’ll move past your blocks… uncover your truest, best creative work… and discover the unseen opportunities already in your world–so you can take a dramatic leap in your creative career.

This is a high-level program for ambitious creative people who are committed to big results. If that’s you, email me and let’s talk.

Will you say YES?

Your true creative brilliance is ALREADY here.

The stories, images, sounds, movements, ideas, and soul work you will bring forth? They are waiting for you.

When you say YES and step into the fire of creation, your truest and best work can emerge.

Your truest creative work emerges through the doing. It emerges through you, saying yes, over and over again.

At this moment? Your truest creative work is there. Waiting for you to bring it out.

Will you say yes?



P.S. If you want support in bringing out your creative work, PM me. I’ve put together a program designed to help you do your TRUE creative work and finally have the CREATIVE SUCCESS you’ve been longing for. You’ll move past your blocks… uncover your truest, best creative work… and discover the unseen opportunities already in your world–so you can take a dramatic leap in your creative career.

This is a high-level program for ambitious creative people who are committed to big results. If that’s you, hit “reply” and let’s talk.

The power of YOU, living full out

(Not perfect, but WILLING)

Last week I wrote about the insecurities that came up for me when I went to a Princeton alumnae conference.

At the same time, I was inspired. As I watched these Princeton women perform with soul and passion, I was reminded how powerful it is to put ourselves out in the world, full out.


And, I realized all the ways I’ve held back.

Now, I’m GOOD about facing my fears. To help creative people get big results, I HAVE TO face and transform big blocks–constantly.

I hold my clients through big fears, and they transform it. I see what holds me back, and I transform it.

And yet.

And yet so many times, I have still held back for fear I won’t be good enough.

I don’t want to fail, and I don’t want people to see me fail.

But, as I watched the women perform, I felt the power of passion and boldness.

They weren’t perfect. They were willing.

Willing to step on stage and put their energy out into the world, BIG. Willing to step out in life, BIG.

The same is possible for each of us.

If you’re afraid, if you’re holding back, if you’re thinking “I’m not good enough” or “What if I fail?”, remember this:

There is power in who you are. There is such power in being ALL of who you are. Bold. Proud. Out loud.

Let’s do it.


P.S. If you’re ready to stop holding back and unleash your creativity, get in touch. I have a new program to help you step out BIG, doing your truest, most powerful creative work.  

This is a high-level program for ambitious creative people who are committed to big results. If that’s you, hit “reply” and let’s talk.

When insecurities come up, remember this

Today I’m at She Roars, a conference for Princeton alumna. Events like these–like college reunions–can bring up my old achievement-based insecurities: Have I accomplished enough? Am I successful enough? How do I “measure up”?

Our egos may worry about whether we’’ll fail or what someone else thinks of us. Our egos may trap us in a stew of “I’m not good enough” or a judgmental cloud of “I’m better than s/he is.”

But, focusing on those things keeps us from connecting with the important questions:

What is delighting and inspiring me in this moment?

What is moving me?

Who am I connecting with?

What is my divine wisdom telling me?

When fear comes up, give yourself love. Then stay connected to the Real You, and be yourself in the world.

Courage in this moment

Yesterday, millions of us saw Dr. Blasey Ford testify. As I watch my Facebook feed, I see person after person speaking up.
And it reminds me: Courage and action DO change the world.
Even though she was originally afraid to come forward, even though she had to deal with death threats and move her family for safety, Dr. Blasey Ford spoke her truth.
Through her courage, she laid bare the ugliness and pervasiveness of a culture that looks at men pressuring women for sex and says, “Boys will be boys” or “All men do that.” She inspired millions of women and men to say, “No, that is not okay” and “This is not the world we want for our daughters and sons.”
Maybe Brett Kavanaugh will still get confirmed. Maybe not.
Whatever happens, this is a moment that will change history. This is a moment where we CAN and MUST change history.
In 1992, after the Anita Hill hearings, there was an electoral wave that tripled the number of female senators (going from two to seven), increased the number of women in the House by 60% (from 30 to 48), and inspired hundreds of women to run for offices, from state legislatures to school boards. TIME called it “The Year of the Woman.”
We can bring another wave this year. (Three ways you can get involved at the end of this post.)
And, if you are feeling traumatized by these events, take care of yourself. Find community and care and support. Give yourself tenderness and love.
Then when you can, in ways big or small, speak and act with courage. Bring YOUR truth into the world–in your actions, in your conversations, and in your creativity.
In every area, our truth and courage make a difference. A couple years ago, I worked with a client who was courageously bringing a new view of cancer into the world. Another previous client is telling the stories of death row inmates who are likely innocent. Other clients are helping people connect with the life stories behind the objects in their home, educating people about safe and healthy cosmetics, or using comedy to advance gender equality.
What have you been afraid to say or do? What creative work have you been holding back?
These times can be difficult. But we have each other, and we have ourselves. The world is asking for our voices in this moment.
Be the voice of creative change in the world.
~~ Get support ~~
If you’re struggling to process a memory of sexual violence, you can reach out for help by phone to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network at 1-800-656-4673 or over text message to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 (on almost all carriers, these texts are free).
~~ Three ways you can make a difference (political) ~~
1) Take back the House:
3) Elect more women:
~~ One way you can make a difference (personal) ~~
Choose courage over fear. Choose to bring your truest creative work into the world.
Yes, you might be afraid of people’s reactions. You might be afraid of failure or judgment or ridicule.
But truth has power, and your true creative voice will make a difference in the world.
You will be more powerful, more fulfilled, and more alive–and the world will be better for your work.