It’s Halloween.
Today is also Samhain, or the witches’ new year. In Celtic tradition, this was the time of year when people honored and connected to loved ones who had died.
Death is part of the cycle of life. It’s also part of the creative cycle. To let in new life, we have to let go of something that is dying.
So, what will you let go of in your creative career? In your life?
(Hint: If you have a “perpetual complaint,” that’s a good place to start. Does one thing always seem to be in your way? Maybe you’re always thinking, “I don’t have time.” Or “I can’t afford it.” “I’m too tired.” “I don’t know how.” “I’m not good enough.”)
If something is always in your way, you MUST let go of it to flourish and thrive.
“But,” you say, “That thing is TRUE! I really don’t have the money, time, energy, connections, talent to succeed at my writing…”
Actually, no. That thing is NOT true. You only believe it is.
I say this lovingly, and with full recognition of how REAL that obstacle may look.
Yes, the numbers in your bank account are real. However, *opportunities* to bring in money are all around you. If you are in the right state, you’ll be able to see and act on them.
The same goes for time, energy, health and more. The limitations you experience feel so real. But there is something you can let go of–some obligation that is draining you, some habit that sucks away your energy–that will free up your time and energy.
If you don’t have the time to do your creative work, you must let go of that story about time… and let go something else you’re spending time on.
(I guarantee there is something you don’t enjoy that you can let go of, or change, or rework, that will give you the time for your creative work AND free up your life force.)
If you don’t have the money to invest in your creative work, you must let go of the belief that you can’t afford it. Let go and choose the commitment to have what you want… and take the actions necessary to come up with the money.
If there’s a toxic belief about yourself that robs you of confidence, a persistent habit that drains you of energy, a situation that keeps getting in the way of your creative work… let it go.
To have something better, you must choose to let go of something worse. You must let it die.
Yes, death can be scary. It’s a journey into the dark unknown. It can be ugly and messy and heart-wrenching and raw. But sometimes it’s a peaceful letting go in the middle of the night.
And always, whatever the night is like, morning comes. Always, when you let go of what is no longer right, freedom awaits.
The witches believe a new year begins this night.
Let your new year–and new life–begin as well.

P.S. If you want to let go of the stuff that gets in the way of your creative work… and start being an artist who does your work easily and regularly, let’s talk.
I’ve put together a program–ARTIST IN ACTION–for talented, hard-working, writers and artists who want to let go of those blocks–and DO their creative work.
Interested? Email me!