Notes on how to do your creative work and create the life you want.

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Creative Witchery BLOG

How Harry Potter helped me ditch my workaholism—and start playing

I didn’t have fun for five years.

In my early 30s, I was building a writing and editing business, doggedly pushing myself to write fiction, and determined to build a real estate business for passive income.

These were serious goals, and I was prepared to dedicate all my energy to them. Added to that, I was with a man who didn’t believe in leisure time. He wouldn’t go to the beach for a day—or a bed-and-breakfast for the weekend—but he would fly across the country for self-growth workshops and real estate seminars.

I didn’t mind. My life had always centered on work. College at Princeton, grad school at Columbia, building a writing career and a comfortable life as a freelance writer… I’d pursued my goals with a fierce, unbending work ethic. And in my early 30s, I was even more ready to put aside “childish” fun and do the “adult” work of making my dreams come true.

When the relationship ended after five years, it was winter. (more)


originally published in The Huffington Post

Turn your business into a $20K playground

A FREE “play date” to jumpstart your TRUE vision:

How to follow the PLAY muse, ignite your “larger-than-life” creative FIRE, and turn your business into your own $10K (or even $20K) a month… “as seen in The Huffington Post” PLAYGROUND

In this no-cost, from-the comfort-of-your-own-home 🙂 play date, you’ll take away:

  • Why your “safe” approach is actually the REASON behind your “too much work, not enough money” business
[“Safe approach” test: close your eyes and think about your biz… the first feeling that pops up is NOT pure, “leaping from your bed” every morning…JOY]
  • How to follow the PLAY muse, turn your business (and marketing) into a PLAYGROUND, and ditch the blindfold keeping you from the $10K or even $20K opportunities WAITING patiently for you to see them…THIS month (yes, even in your “break even” business)
  • Why your personal THREE-headed SABOTAGE MONSTER is not going down, even after all the mindset AND marketing work

(If your income is playing “hide and seek” with you EVERY month or you STILL procrastinate like a pro – this is for YOU)

  • A simple three-step process to bring out your inner “as seen on Oprah” thought leader… quiet the “I feel like a FAKE” whispers… attract passionate, ready-to-pay-top-rate clients… and draw in your “you speak directly to my SOUL” readers and super-fans
  • Live-attendees-only BONUS #1: Show up LIVE and receive the “Why should Oprah call ME” brilliance-revealing exercise (usually available only to my private clients)
  • Live-attendees-only BONUS #2: If you are THE lucky person, win a NO-cost “Creative FIRE” Makeover with me

Join me, and prepare to have fun!!

Your Biz: Halfway House, or $20k/Month Playground?

Today I want to talk about doing your dream “halfway.” Maybe you’re working as a healer, writer, coach, or filmmaker… but you’re not doing what you really want to be doing, or what you’re meant to be doing: the work that delights and inspires you and feels like play. You’re doing what’s “safe” or what sells, and you’ve kept your true vision hidden deep in your heart. Maybe there’s a book or screenplay you’ve meant to write, or a way of working you’re afraid to try in case it’s too “out there” for your clients.

shutterstock_332911595I want you to know: You can do what you truly want. In fact, if you want deep joy and success, you must do what you truly want.

You already know not going for your TRUE vision is eating away at your soul. But here’s what you might not realize: Even in your “safe” career, not doing your TRUE heart’s work is hurting your income and success.

Here’s how:

  • You look bland and easily replaceable—like every other healer/coach/writer/artist out there: When you keep your brilliance and true vision inside, what your potential clients see on the outside is a “best of” hit mix from everyone you’ve ever trained with. Maybe it’s good, but it doesn’t motivate people to work specifically with YOU (or pay you top fees).
  • You’re not having fun—so you look uninspired and uninteresting… which never helps you get clients!
  • You can’t market yourself—so your income suffers: When you feel half-hearted about your work (because it’s not your TRUE work), you hold back on promoting yourself. Or you keep your rates “reasonable” (aka, not as high as they’d be if you knew you were a rockstar and thought leader). Or you don’t stand up for your rates. All this leads to drama: big money months followed by crashes, moods that swing up and down with your income, household stress because you’re not bringing in enough.

But you want to change the world with your message and your story—not live a bad business soap opera!

So let’s talk about what keeps you from going for your TRUE vision. Is it fear? A need for “safe” income? And how do you get past all that to bring your true brilliance into the world—and start having FUN again?

Join me to find out!


A FREE “play date” to jumpstart your TRUE vision:

How to follow the PLAY muse, ignite your “larger-than-life” creative FIRE, and turn your business into your own $10K (or even $20K) a month… “as seen in The Huffington Post” PLAYGROUND

In this no-cost, from-the comfort-of-your-own-home 🙂 play date, you’ll take away:

  • Why your “safe” approach is actually the REASON behind your “too much work, not enough money” business

(“Safe approach” test: close your eyes and think about your biz… the first feeling that pops up is NOT pure, “leaping from your bed” every morning…JOY)

  • How to follow the PLAY muse, turn your business (and marketing) into a PLAYGROUND, and ditch the blindfold keeping you from the $10K or even $20K opportunities WAITING patiently for you to see them…THIS month (yes, even in your “break even” business)
  • Why your personal THREE-headed SABOTAGE MONSTER is not going down, even after all the mindset AND marketing work

(If your income is playing “hide and seek” with you EVERY month or you STILL procrastinate like a pro – this is for YOU)

  • A simple three-step process to bring out your inner “as seen on Oprah” thought leader… quiet the “I feel like a FAKE” whispers… attract passionate, ready-to-pay-top-rate clients… and draw in your “you speak directly to my SOUL” readers and super-fans
  • Live-attendees-only BONUS #1: Show up LIVE and receive the “Why should Oprah call ME” brilliance-revealing exercise (usually available only to my private clients)
  • Live-attendees-only BONUS #2: If you are THE lucky person, win a NO-cost “Creative FIRE” Makeover with me

Join me, and prepare to have fun!!

Why it’s hard to do it

shutterstock_336184877Yes, IT can be hard. (What is IT? Moving toward your big vision, of course. That thing you dream about constantly, that purpose that you’re here on earth to fulfill.)

Even the best of us—the hugely committed, fiercely determined, big-dreaming, ambitious ones—feel the anxiety and want to flee (to Facebook, to busywork, to food or abstract spiritual work).

Some people believe if you’re feeling resistance, it’s a sign: whatever you’re doing isn’t right for you. And yes, our Essential Selves do throw up big resistance when we’re on the wrong path. (That’s why you drag your heels and show up late for the meeting you didn’t want to go to…)

But, we also resist the big vision in our heart. We can resist taking action on those visions most of all—because failing there would be devastating.

In fact, we need to overcome resistance to do just about everything that’s good for us: whether that’s exercising, putting down the riveting book and going to bed, getting out of comfy lounge clothes to have brunch with a friend, starting a new meditation practice, or talking to that leader who intimidates us. When we go from a “lower” state to a “higher” one, there’s friction to overcome. That’s resistance. It’s natural.

Here’s how to tell whether resistance means you’re off the path—or just facing fear as you walk towards your dreams. Ask yourself: If I knew I would succeed, would I truly, deeply want this? Not just “would it be nice to have this?” or “would this solve the problems I have now,” but would my heart overflow with joy? If I knew I could have it, would I feel weighed down and constricted—or light and free?



(Wondering what you really want? Apply for a complimentary (1) Income breakthrough session OR (2) Creative breakthrough session!)

Do you REALLY want it?

shutterstock_220006351Deep in your heart, you have a big vision. But something’s in the way, and your vision is still just that—a dream and a hope inside you.

So let’s talk about why your dream is still inside you… instead of real in the world. Here are a few reasons you might recognize:

  • I don’t have enough money
  • I don’t have the right connections
  • I don’t have enough time
  • Now just isn’t a good time

Here’s the thing about these reasons. They aren’t what’s blocking you. They are clues to your next breakthrough.

Let’s take money. Suppose you want $15,000 to launch your business, pay for a training, hold a big event, or take time off to finish your novel. You know this is the next step toward your vision. But you don’t have $15,000.

Here’s what I want you to know: While the number in your bank account is “real,” it isn’t the full reality. The full reality is that for every desire, there is a way. You just haven’t seen the way yet, or you aren’t willing to take the steps.

What if you or someone you love suddenly needed $15,000 for a life-saving medical procedure? What would you do? My guess is, you would get another credit card. Borrow money. Sell your wedding dress or jewelry or car. Cash in an investment. Have a Kickstarter. Hold a fundraising event. Use your retirement account or home equity. Reach out to everyone you know for clients, work, or opportunities. Ask people to pay back money they owe you. Cancel the gym membership you aren’t using. Get another job. Ask for a raise. Get on the phone to generate business and refuse to stop until you had made your money. You would dig deep into your creativity, resourcefulness, and power—and you would find a way. 

Now, listen closely: Those same avenues are available to you now. You just haven’t been willing to use them. You may want more income but haven’t asked your clients for referrals because you’re afraid of seeming crass. You may want to expand your business but won’t borrow money because you don’t want to “be beholden.” You may want an important business training—but won’t cash in an investment because “it’s only supposed to be used for [X].” There are things you haven’t been willing to do.

This is true of money, time, energy, experience, and every other resource out there. If you want it, there is a way.

What you need to know is this: To have a breakthrough, you need to do the thing you’ve been unwilling to do. If you could get the result you want doing what you’re doing now, your dream would be reality (or clearly on its way), wouldn’t it?

So what is the step you’ve been unwilling to take? (This is where your breakthrough is.) Is it turning off the TV early so you can get up an hour earlier to write your novel? Moving past intimidation to talk a leader in your field? Paying for the childcare or administrative support that will let you get your soul’s work done? Getting over your fear of self-promotion so you can grow your business? Raising money for the training that will take you to the next level? Risking rejection or failure to take bold action?

Where is your breakthrough? Explore more here.