Notes on how to do your creative work and create the life you want.

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Creative Witchery BLOG

Sometimes it’s easier than you think (part 2)

EXERCISE: Hard times or great expectations?

Think of an action you’ve been dreading: a responsibility, task, or obligation in your life. Take out a piece of paper and answer these questions.

First, let’s do some “preliminary screening” to see if it’s something you truly need to do. Ask yourself:

  1. Is it in line with your core values? Is this action essential to creating a life that you want? If not, consider not doing it. You’d be surprised how many “urgent” things take care of themselves if you leave the situation alone.
  2. Is it important that you yourself take this action? You might also be able to delegate, find someone who would enjoy doing it, or pay someone else to do it.

If it’s truly important for you to take this action, then it’s time to look at your attitude.

  1. What are you telling yourself about this action?
  2. Is it true (what you’re telling yourself)? What evidence do you have that your belief might not be true?
  3. What will you gain from taking the action?
  4. Is it worth moving through your discomfort?

Remember, very often our dread of doing something is worse than the actual doing. And, when we put off taking actions that are important to building the life we want, we drain our energy, kill our momentum, and damage our confidence.

Give your energy to what empowers you. If this action is worth it—if it supports the life you truly want—then keep your vision in your heart. Let that be your focus. Then, just do it.

Sometimes it’s easier than you think (part 1)

We hear so much about things being hard—and how often goals take more effort, time, and money than we expect. And often, life does seem that way. But, is this always true?

I remember thinking, this past fall, that we’d need to start brushing my son William’s teeth. I was dreading it. He only had four teeth, so we’d been getting by with wiping them with wet gauze after his evening bottle. But William hated the gauze wipe so much. Every evening, he struggled and cried while I tried to pull the gauze over his four little teeth as fast as possible. Meanwhile, a popular e-mail thread in my mother’s group detailed other mothers’ attempts to make tooth brushing bearable for their toddlers. All this made me even more apprehensive about the switch to brushing his teeth.

But, finally, buoyed up by discovering I didn’t have to teach William to rinse or spit out toothpaste (toddler toothpaste can be swallowed!), I decided to make the move. I bought a little toddler toothbrush and strawberry-flavored toothpaste from Tom’s of Maine. I lifted William onto his stepstool and told him we were going to brush his teeth.

And, to my surprise, it was easy! He opened his mouth and accepted the toothbrush. He gummed the toothbrush happily (loving that strawberry toothpaste!) and cooperated while I brushed his teeth.

It was a lesson for me. I thought of the times that I’d dreaded something on my “to do” list—and put it off and put if off—only to find, when I finally did it, that it was surprisingly fast. The avoidance had caused much more agony than the action.

It’s important to remember this about life: The universe is much bigger than we can comprehend, and we can’t know everything that will happen. Growth and progress don’t always happen in linear or expected ways. Sometimes things are easier than we expect.

Sometimes we imagine that someone will oppose or reject us—and instead they welcome us with open arms. Sometimes a client signs on immediately or gets excited about an idea right away. Sometimes, instead of inching along, our business grows with leaps and bounds. Or, instead of struggling in relationships like we have before, we meet the right person and everything opens up. Sometimes serendipity seats us on a plane beside the person who will help bring our vision to life.

Upcoming FREE workshop: Sun 3/16

Your Career After Parenting: Creating a Life You Love

  • Do you desperately need a career situation that supports your family and personal time?
  • Are you changing careers (or considering it)?
  • Are you a parent-to-be who wants a head start on work-life balance after the baby?

If you want to feel fulfilled and delighted in your work and family life (yes, it really is possible!), this workshop is for you.

Whether you want simple tweaks or a complete overhaul, you’ll start shaping a career that supports all of who you are and lets you live with joy and flow. In this workshop, you’ll

  • Connect to what you truly want in your career and life
  • Create a work-life vision that leaves you energized, fulfilled, and joyful
  • Take steps to bring your vision to life

If you’re ready to create a career and life you love, sign up for this FREE workshop now! Register at

Sun March 16, 2:30-4 p.m.—FREE
1007 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11218
(Q train to Church Ave)

Please come child-free. This workshop is a commitment to yourself and your life, and your family life; it requires your full concentration.

Please share this with any friends who would benefit!!

SPECIAL BONUS: Participants will also receive discounts and gifts from some amazing, talented local coaches and service providers who work with parents.

* Musical Explorers: Through singing, dancing, story telling, improvisation, playing musical games and instrument playing, children discover the magical world of music and develop a life-long love and appreciation for music.

* Joni Lane: In today’s hothouse world of parenting, Joni Lane is a parent coach that will help you find your way through the maze. From everyday nuts-and-bolts parenting support, to deeper exploration around complex subjects of anger and fear, Joni will support you and your whole family to find authentic ease and joy in your parenting experience. For more information, visit

* Caitlin FitzGordon: Amidst the many pressures of parenting, mothers often don’t take care of themselves. Caitlin FitzGordon’s coaching practice, Core Birthing, helps women cultivate self-care so they can not only survive but also thrive.

Create your theme for 2014

Did you fail to make any new year’s resolutions this year? Or do you already feel your resolutions fading? Do you feel as if an opportunity to grow and create a better life is slipping away? It’s not too late to make 2014 all that you hope for.

The fact is, resolutions just don’t work for many people–including me. So instead, I want to share a New Year’s practice that I’ve found helpful: creating a “theme” for the year.

Why create a theme for the year

Your theme is all about the way you want to BE and FEEL in the coming year. (Possible themes could be courage, gratitude, creativity, abundance, love, spirit, power, healing, persistence, clarity, laughter, ease, curiosity, respect, fun… and more.) Unlike a long list of unrelated resolutions, which is hard to remember, your theme connects all your goals by identifying one fundamental quality that will help you reach your goals. Once you have your theme, you commit to approaching each day and each action with that theme. Achieving your goals can flow naturally from that way of being.

Here’s my experience from the first time I used a new year’s theme: At the beginning of 2012, I was recently married and had just found out I was pregnant. I knew there were big things coming that year: finding, buying, and renovating a house; moving; transitioning from an intense corporate advertising job into self-employment; and of course, growing a baby, going through labor and birth, and becoming a mother. I knew it could be an incredibly stressful year. I also knew I didn’t just want to push through everything, straining myself and my health: I wanted to move through it easily and have it all flow. So “FLOW” became my theme for the year.

In everything I did, I stayed conscious of connecting to a state of flow and the belief that it all could flow. And, though I believe in this type of work, even I was surprised at the results. I didn’t feel overwhelmed by stress or overtaken by a never-ending to do list. I moved through all the transitions—and led a copy team in an advertising launch, finished a draft of a story collection, and launched a new website for my writing and coaching business. Though there was a tremendous amount to be done, and though there were difficult things to face (including a difficult, complicated labor and a postpartum period that was much tougher than I expected), through it all, I continued to feel a sense that I was flowing through my life, moving in a way that was aligned with my heart and supported by the universe and the people in my life. I hadn’t expected that this process could be so profound or effective, but it was. My theme connected me back to the fundamental flow I wanted to experience, and everything else flowed from that.

How to create your theme for the year

1. What’s missing?

Look at the different areas of your life (career/life purpose, money, health, romantic relationship, friends and family, personal growth/spirituality, play and fun, physical environment). Was anything unsatisfying or missing in those areas?

2. What do you want?

Now write down what you want in your life this year. What are your goals? Big or small—put it all down.

3. How do you want to feel and be?

Ask yourself: What quality do you need to activate in yourself to reach those goals? How would you like to feel as you move towards those goals? List all the words that describe how you want to feel and be in the coming year.

4. Choose a theme for the year

Now, look over your list (from #3). Choose one word that resonates with you and truly sums up how you want to be in the coming year. Say your word aloud. See how it feels. Close your eyes and imagine yourself moving through 2014 with that quality alive inside you. How does it feel? If it feels good, and if it feels right, that’s your theme! (If you want, send me a message letting me know your theme for 2014. I’d love to know! :-))

5. Live your theme!

Write your theme and pin it up where you can see it. Feel it in your body. If you want, you can dance it or create a vision board with images that evoke this theme. Most importantly, keep your theme in mind as you move through each day and moment—really try to embody this quality and live your life from this theme. Good luck, and may 2014 bring you all the blessings of the theme you choose.

Celebrate Your Way to Success (part 2)

In my last post, I talked about the importance of celebration–and how crucial it is to success. If you’re wondering what or how to celebrate, here are some thoughts!

What to celebrate

You can celebrate anything that feels like an accomplishment, brings you joy, or gives you satisfaction. Nothing is too small! In fact, one of the keys to success, fulfillment, and joy is to acknowledge yourself—not just for the huge successes but for the small, everyday victories.


Here’s what you could celebrate:

  • Sending an e-mail you were avoiding
  • Writing a page of your novel
  • Connecting authentically with a new acquaintance
  • Approaching someone about your documentary
  • Helping your baby sleep through the night
  • Hitting your monthly sales target
  • Sorting through the pile in the corner of your room
  • Nailing the presentation to the big shot investor
  • Signing on a new client
  • Getting a favorable mention in the press
  • Reupholstering an old piece of furniture
  • Receiving a compliment from someone you respect


How to celebrate (in ways big and small)

  • Sit quietly and let yourself feel the joy of what you’ve accomplished
  • Send celebratory texts to people who love and support you
  • Take yourself for a refreshing walk in the middle of the day
  • Get a massage
  • Treat yourself to a class you’ve been wanting to take (yoga, kickboxing, capoeira, scuba, photography, cooking, skydiving… the possibilities are endless)
  • Invite friends over for celebratory drinks
  • Dance to a “victory song” (you know, a song that celebrates your accomplishment and awesomeness!)
  • Dance with your baby or child
  • Dance with your grandmother or grandfather
  • Dance with yourself!
  • Take yourself out to dinner
  • Treat yourself to a weekend getaway
  • Pick out a gorgeous flower. Plant it in your yard—or on a favorite windowsill
  • Write a happy letter (or e-mail) to a friend
  • Go for a celebratory bike ride
  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are

…you get the idea!